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Sister Who



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An Introduction to Sister Who


    I am a Sacred Clown, forms of which have been part of every tribal society since the beginning of human history; the one whose job is to inspire others toward personal and/or spiritual growth and a positive attitude toward discovery, diversity, and constructive change.  The central focus is not comedy, but rather creativity and a constructively inclusive integration of all that life offers.

    A soft-spoken and gentle gay man also known as Rev. Dr. Denver NeVaar, I am passionate about the value of life and spirituality, have also been awarded a silver medal in physique/bodybuilding, and enjoy both hiking and skiing.  My spirituality is very eclectic, having begun within the Roman Catholic church and included experiences of Pentecostal and Non-Pentecostal Protestant Christianity as well as Pagan, Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, Native American, and Unitarian-Universalist  forms of spirituality.  The description I now use is that I am an eclectic mystic.

    I am a nun according the more inclusive definition of a commitment to spiritual service and have never done anything intentionally sacrilegious or disrespectful of any member of any religious order of any form of spirituality.  Through intuitive meditation, readings using various tools, and empathic dialogue, I open windows and doors of insight, offer hope, and provide inspiration that can be especially helpful within those moments when life is a confusing, discouraging, or even adversarial jungle.

    God Space Sanctuary (www.GodSpaceSanctuary.org) was and will again be a place available to individuals of any belief system or none, who wish to create space for an individually appropriate conception of the Divine within their lives., without any interference from dogma or discrimination.  It is currently in a state of transition, gradually gathering funds for stage one of a building project.  

     The mixed blessing of an official diagnosis of autism in early February of 2013 has significantly helped to explain my attention to detail and my alternative ways of thinking.  It is my hope that the effect of this so-called disability upon my creative and ministerial work, however, is only beneficial--suggesting that no mistake was made within the complex circumstances of my creation.  

     Blessings, love, and peace to you, no matter what  sort of spiritual  path you and that which is truly Divine decide is most appropriate for you.


-- S.W. / D.N.